
A Reminder:

Despite what the state of the world looks like right now, it’s still a beautiful place. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, nature is slowly starting to bloom and there’s joy to be found everywhere if you know how to see it. We often tend to over-complicate life, but it can be simple…

A Moment to Pause.

Find a quiet spot in nature. The more submersed the better. Maybe a tree to sit under or a nice spot by the water where you can allow yourself to settle. Close your eyes and take in some slow, deep breaths. Focus on the sounds around you, the feeling of the ground supporting you, the…

Finding Our Voice.

What a strange thing to not be who we truly are. As I look back through my Life, like so many of us who have gone through this system, most of us were rewarded when we behaved, did what we were told, stayed quiet and repeated things those in authority told us to believe. All…

Feel Your Fears (part 2)

Fear is a curious thing. When we feel like we’re being threatened, or pushed to our limits, we can take extreme measures to try to protect ourselves. And the threat doesn’t necessarily even have to be real, just perceived that way. Someone may simply be reaching out a hand to help, but when we’re in…

Feel Your Fears.

For most of my Life, I’ve lived with a lot of fear. Fear to speak, to be seen, to be judged, to be rejected, to fail.. I didn’t trust myself, other people or even Life itself to take care of me. I’ve held back so much out of fear, missing out on so many opportunities…

What We Resist, Persists.

If we’re feeling an emotion, but not allowing ourselves to express it, that energy will only build in our body over time. We can try to suppress it, analyze it, or busy ourselves in order to distract from it, but until we actually face it and release that energy, we’ll never be rid of it.…

Generational Trauma – History is Alive Within Us

History isn’t just something “Back then”. It’s something right now, Alive in our own cells, Programmed and labeled As culture and personality. The struggles of old, The weight too heavy to carry, Passed along through generations In hopes that the next Will be able to set them free. And the trauma isn’t just our own,…

A Return to Stillness in a Busy World

As I’ve learned how to settle my own nervous system, the modern world has started to feel even louder, faster and increasingly disconnected. It feels lost, yet in a hurry to get somewhere; a destination without having any direction or purpose of where it’s going. The sense that as long as we keep busy, eventually…


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