Category: Inspiration

Judgment fades in the presence of understanding…

… But in order to understand, we must first suspend what we already believe to be “true”. There are so many perspectives battling it out right now, with everyone thinking that theirs is ‘right’ and justified. We tend to believe our personal views because… Continue Reading “Judgment fades in the presence of understanding…”

Slow Down. Breathe.

There’s an awareness that comes from slowing down. Much like the difference between driving through a neighbourhood and walking: when moving at a slower pace, we pick up on more of the details. The finer, more subtle points that go unnoticed when driving quickly… Continue Reading “Slow Down. Breathe.”

Build Your Own Home.

Think of your subconscious mind as a house, made up of your beliefs, personality traits, habits, and who you imagine yourself to “be”. When we’re younger, the materials we’re given to build ourselves are provided by our parents, teachers and other people in our… Continue Reading “Build Your Own Home.”